The Express from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE SIX THE LOCK HAVEN EXPRESS. LOCK PA. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1937 News of the Towns and Neighborhoods in the Area Served by The Express Neighboring Communities Current Happenings Reported by a Large and Active Corps of Correspondents i Mrs.

Kate Weber, two daughters, Hisses Nolle and Mary, and granddaughter. Mary Kate Wheeler, left by motor Thursday i tat Portland, Oregon, where they trill visit the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Faris. They will stop at CoJ- tanbus, Ohio, and Salt Lake City, Utah, enroute.

Mrs. Elizabeth Gross, son Cecil, ber mother and sister', Mrs. Carrie Wolf end Miss Bertha Wolf left Wednesday by motor for ton D. to spend the week with and Mrs. I.

V. Gross. will return Sunday. They Miss Mildred Deppi left Tuesday for her home In Berwick where she will spend her vacation. Miss Deppi is an instructor in the local High School.

The Hcv. and Mrs. L. E. Kline it and daughter, Lorraine, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Har- risburg with Mrs.

Kline's parents. Miss Katherine Cummings of Barrisburg is spending several days at her home here. Bold Manhmallow Toast HAMMERSLEY FORK Ole Bull Park formed the delightful setting for a marshmallow toast recently enjoyed by the young people of Hammersley Fork and Cross Fork. tLtLlKlL REFRIGERATORS Low Easy Terms Sales Service MOl Ball Phone 2421 NO WONDER WE FILL THE EGG BASKET Mf GET FUL-0-PEP EGG MASH FOR. MORE EGG MONEY Mate your weekly egg check larger by giving your laying hens the feed that will help them lay inore big, easily marketable eggs with eoond that grade high and bring top prices.

supplies all the that lay ing nena require to make eggs and fiim body weight and health. Quaker Egg Slash. ewt F. O. P.

cwt H. J. B. Ibs Sl.OO Bog Meat $2.60 BLOOD TESTED DAY OLD CHICKS Barred Rocks New Hampshire Reds CONDON'S BULK GARDEN SEEDS LONG'S HATCHERY Dairy, Poultry, Hog Feeds Flour and Supplies Hill Ball, Pa. Phone 25S1 WILL MARK BIRTHDAYS OF S.

S. CLASS MEMBERS Junior Bible class of the South Avis Community Chapel held their regular monthly business and social meeting at the home of Mrs. David Doebler en Wednesday evening of last week. A new class secretary-treasurer was elected to replace Mrs. Doebler, who resigned because of other duties.

Her successor is Mrs. D. H. Larason. Plans were made to hold the July meeting in the form of an outing.

Three members of the class who have birthdays in June willjjjr. and Mrs. George Meyers for; be guests of honor at a party to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Harris.

Those present at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earner, Mr. and Mrs. G.

H. Larason, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, Mr. and Mrs.

Calvin Barner, Mr. and Mrs. David Doebler, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kechan, Mr.

and Mrs. Omar Harris and Mrs. Fred Myers. Hublersburg Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Loudenberg Ori'iston at dinner Monday: Strum, North Bend; Snydsr. Point Breeze; Miss Luluj Mr a Mrs. Be Mr. -c! Mrs MOTHER OF HOWARD WOMAN PASSES AWAY, and Mrs.

Ray-j jmond L. Morris were called to Summerson, Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. and three sons, Donald, Howard, and Jackie Lee, leturned home after spending several days with the former's father.

Samuel Smith, of Harrisonville, Va. Mrs. Guy Meyers accompanied "r.r.-\?s Run Tuesday afternoon byj and Mrs. Edward Fry tod 'Merrill Condo. the sudden death cf Mrs.

Morris'; fa llv John n- mother. Mrs. M. J. TwifiB.

who suf-i lam Jonn Mr" ar Mrs. Oscar'fered a heart attack and died be-jnes Dout ipent Sunday at Jtrjey MacXeyville. fers doctor could arrive. The Shore and Rauchtown. funeral will take place Friday atj Mr.

and Mrs. Doren spent 0 3 Van is survived by of last week with Mis, Mary rr Mrs. husband and five children: Mrs. Bickle at Clintondale. Helen Moms.

Howard: Mrs. Dor-! Saxton and frjtndj spent a of Lock c.hy Robinson. Curwensville: Mrs Sunday with WalUr S. Hattwick S.r.djv cvcnmg Morgan. Houudale, Jack .1 it cm! Mrs.

Charles and Miss Betty, at home. I aid family. a visit with relatives and friends at Pittsburgh. Mark Eaton of Detroit returned to his home after visiting friends and relatives here ar.d at Lock Haven. Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Schoonover of Milton visited Mr. and Mrr. Harry Loudenberg on Sunday MARRIED 50 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs.

Christ C. Breth of Howard, shown above, celebrated their fiftieth weddlnr anniversary at their home there on Tuesday, Jnne 1.. Mrs. Breth Is 81. while Mr.

Breth Is 80. They hive three living children, Edward Breth of Amsterdam, Breth of Wertfield, N. and Mrs. Etta Mlddaugti of Frce- donla. N.

Y. Hrvuly. uf N. Ibc hcmr iGn.v. Thi 5 Clyde Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Gates and family of Mingoville spent Tuesday evening with the latter's brother and Yarnell. Mr. and Mrs. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Ticrney and two sons of Bellefonte called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Young Friday evening. Mrs.

Emaline Deitrich attended the funeral of Harry Stover at Lewistown last week, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Owene and Mrs. Lizzie Kaufman of Zion. Mr.

and Mrs. R. L. Funk of Bellefonte were Sunday afternoon and dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Hayes. Callers at the Walter Weaver home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Springer and family of State College; Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Brooks of Centre Hall; Mrs. Meyers of Boalsburg and J. Elmer Weaver of Jersey Shore. Mrs. Ida White, Miss Judy Miller and Fred Gallagher of Woolrich were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs.

Emaline Deitrich. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerstetter and family of Tylersville, Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Heckman of Lamar, Mr. and Mrs. John Heckman and sons of Lock Haven were among the callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.

B. Heckman recently. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker and children of Pleasant Gap were Sunday guests of Mrs.

Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hinds. Miss Catherine Vonada of State College spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Hayes and son John were week-end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes. Loganton George Herman loit a valuable cow Monday.

Mrs. C. A. Karstetter and daugh- morning. Visitors at the Haupt home over I the week-end xvere: Mrs.

Franklin Haupt and daughter Nancy of Mansfield, Mrs. James Brownlee, Ridgway; Mr. and Mrs. P. S.

Monroe and children, Mrs. Har-, riet Ohlander and son David. Miss Elva Thorp, who has been) ill at her home with an attack of quinsy, is able to be uut. Mr. and Mrs.

Leroy Goodman and daughter Esther Jane of Philadelphia visited friends and relatives in Farwell and Renovo on Sunday. 246 Eighth Qrade Pupils In County Schools Ready For High School Entrance A total of 246 diplomas Miriam been granted this year to eighth Mack Gray, grade graduates of the county I Lc schools, according to an announce- clara Arnr(1 ri'; mcnt this week by County Super- Mildred Wclton. and Mr. and buby of Renovo and Mr. inrid HV.y Cyphert spent Sun-; Sanitarium i Blanche Lomi'on.

i I Mr. ar.d C. B. Page spent. I Sunday at the home of Mr.

andj 'Mrs. Floyd Bechdel of Blanchard.i licrbcrt Confer and family, Mill Hall spent Sunday at the of Confer. Mr. and Mrr. Frank Rcbb of! Sprir.itficld.

and Mr. Robb'S; Ont-i-la. of Pittsburgh, spent with relatives Mr. Mrs. L.

R. Gardner and; U.K.: Ifi-nry spent Saturday, Fi-h'-i-i Vcrr.a Shank of Tyrone' Kepler, -i-ent at the home of 1 Samuel Lannan and family re; and family Competes Beauty Coarse Kn tiy visited with Mr. and Mrs. i wcuk at; HAMMERSLEY FORK Missj Harrv Lannan. Mr.

Mrs, un mi.r«» visitor at Belltfonle last Friday. Beauty School. On Sunday evening she went to Renovo. where she Mr. and Mrs.

Hiram CdHey and family and Miss Either Lannan enjoyed an outing on Sunday. intendent JCettton L. Bartges. of -mi nunilt innlt ihp rnimtv of 301 pupils took the countx ALLISON TOWNSHIP- Mrs. Charles Fo'- Mrs.

Norman Haupt and daughter Susan Marie returned home from a two weeks' visit to Binghamton, N. Y. Mrs. Mary Leese, R. of Jersey Shore and sister, Mrs.

B. J. Button of Howard visited Mr. and wl Mrs. Harry Loudenberg Sunday.

Jack Shangraw, John Homan of Philadelphia Jennit Peterman visited his family over the weekend. Miss Kathryn Flushing, N. A'Deris Marie Carpi-r, Gladys Drev- Mr. Mrs. A.

M. Shank. William Casper.'rt Pcdu-: Mr. A.

J. Confer. Mrs. is and Donald Kaudi I William Mrs. Edgar) PINE CHEEK TOWN.SHIP—' Mrs.

David Confer, pass i Martha Matter. Dor.ald Ralph Wednesday evening Belle-; illowing pupils an-, Shicld Carson'. nounced by Superintendent Bart- ges as having been awarded 1 Doriitny fiintc Ihe hi. me of Mr. and Mrs.

Sara Kalmba Condo spent Saiur- IEdith Kre-Rhbaum Jam- h.r mmhcr. Mrs. Maryig I ois Ohl "I-rv Fiva- Chnicndalc. Mr. andj Moodier, Betty DufTey and bclh Ridl na Ju Mt Hevcrly.

Mrs. CondoJJ othy AVIS BOROUGH Geraldine McGuire, Clifford I E.cmn i Miller. Lois i ibelh Rich. Anna (Philip Myers. George Lruwn.

Merrill jnice Overdorf, Hulii DucL-kr. ifford McCrackcn.i Gie vra "lI-r-'Mrs. Leonard rict Wen and 'r Ov, an. Carl PORTER Ft. J.

ir.j; at the home of Mr. Mrs. Knil Walizer of Mackeyville.n! Thclma Daley. Geraldine Kline. Arlcna Nuss.

arrived Thurs- sert. im cr Edward Overdorf. Betty Schlcs- Walk Rav H. N. of linger, Francis Geyen Robert Ma Kucr itc Knee dred Althca Hazel Grieb and Richard Eult Richard Shurr and Edna day to spend several weeks wilh rr Tn her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. B. F. BALD EAGLE C.K'^In^ nic Ttinn Nuss. Leonard Snyder.

Lois Yo3t, June Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swartwood, an Temple. of Rixford spent the week-end with Mr. Swartwood's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wade had as their guests Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. John Wade and daughter Florence of Williamsport, Mr. and Mrs. B. T.

Meek and daughter Ann of Watsontown and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Finnerty of Sheffield.

SOUTH RENOVO KOP.OL'l Faye Allen, Mildred Antkr; Salona Miss Ruth Kelley of Philadelphia was a guest last week of Miss Emma L. Thompson. On Monday CHOUGH- Mae Conway, Allan Lmgle, Dor-1, othy Smith, Bernadine Barnard. Jean Scantlin, Lillian Arnold, Darlene Gardner, Miriam Scantlin. Lois Kephart, Vivian Fravel, Jane Hevcrley, Violet Peters, Rhine, Lee Packer, Jack Gundlach, Rudy Shilling.

John Hunter. Leroy Rupert and Eusene Hunter. BEECH CREEK TOWNSH IP- Virginia Moore, Miriam Dickey, Bernard Irvin, George Counsil. Harvey Howe. June Miller, Robert Dunlap William Eyer Maxine Dickey and Altha Trivolpiece.

A A A TOWNSHIP Benny Colcman. Ralph Rcnzo, Thomas Heckel, Guy Straub, Albert Parcmsky, Guy Thornton, Ruth Quiggle, Dominic Spirito. Jane Bcnfhaw. Francis Krrr.icp Mary Larson. NciU.

Nelson. PJjyllis Thnrson, Eugene Winkel- WOOIViVARD TOWNSHIP E.yc:i Milbrd Clymer. McGuire's Evaporated Milk i Fine Granulated Sugar Baked Beans i Fruit Salad 1 Shoe Polish All Colors I MINCED Sliced Rniinrf TWf Roasts (Standing Rib) Economy Stores MILL HALL and AVIS 4 25c 10 Ibs 49c eke 7c can 12c 1 can 15c pint jar pint jar 19c 21b boxZlc lOc Ibl8c 2 Ibs31c lb 32c lb 18c 'cn, Lcrcy Wcnker. I-ce Shoemaker. Fancy Sliced Bacon Vi lb 17c she left for her home accompanied Johnson, Michael Vuccola.

by Miss Thompson who will visit, Wmi3m Tvson Emory Smith, there for two weeks. Mrs. Laura Causer of Ithaca, was a guest last week of and Mrs. C. E.

Figgles. curries. Mrs. Mary Rote and Mrs. Ellen Corman Poorman, Frank Spirito.

Manorti and Mildred ter, Emma, of Lock Haven were Sigmund were week-end guests at Sunday visitors at Loganton. Watsontown. Mrs. S. J.

Frankenberger and Mrs. Harry Mrs. G. S. Boone were shoppers Friday at Williamsport Mrs.

Merle Bicksler and party of Flemington spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and.Mrs. H. C. Bicksler.

Mrs. Eldon Kleckner and children, of Beech Creek are visiting Mrs. Walter Raudabaugh. Bellinger of Lock Haven was a guest Monday of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and CHAPMAN Tarr, Ordell Gentzyel, Glenn Lewis, Catharine Smith, Junior Smith, Twila Kline, Lee Rolls, Ludwig Dremel.

John Russo, William Shroat, Alice Hiller, Clara Mrs. James Tate. at Lock Haven over the week-end. Children's Day at Rnblersbnrc HUBLERSBURG Children's Day was observed at the Trinity Reformed Church on Sun- son day evening. At this service Joan wee k-end at the home of Mr.

and Smith, Kenneth Lucas. David i.u i Gcntzvel Theresa Probst. John Mrs. Edna Smith visited relatives Shad Barbara Heaps, Leona Zerbe, Grace Drake. Anne Pirc.

Frances Smith, Bruce Barrows, Lois Miller and Rhea Shaffer. COLEBROOK TOWNSHIP Mary Toner. Betty Watt, William Avis Young and Ray Fetterman. CRAWFORD TOWNSH IP- Mr and Mrs Brunner and Martha and Evelyn Fcnstermaker. Jonn of Harrisburg spent the Thoump Parson5 Mary Vonada, Anna Catherine Stitzer, Ray Deitrich and Marlene Deitrich received the sacrament of Holy Baptism from the pastor, Rev.

James B. Musser. 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS ALLEN-A pair Boys' Polo and Cotton 25c Men's Polo Weave, Rope Lacer 39c Boys' Tennis Shoes 69c Children's Slacks 59c Farmers' Straw Hats lOc and 25c Men's Sanforized Slacks $1.00 Ladies' Rayon Silk Length 25c Men's Wash and Cotton lOc A Box of Candy and a Prize with every pair of BOYS' or GIRLS 1 SBOES Men's Blue Chambrsy WORK SHIRTS Full Very Special 39c Geo. T. Romig Co.

Open MILL HALL Every Evening Except Wednesday Mrs. W. B. Emery. DUNNSTABLE TOWNSHIP Mrs.

Laura Myers. Miss Bessie E1 Love. nnRr) rH Walters and Nolan Emery spent FLEMINGTON BOROUGH the week-end at the home of lEsthcr ic Haze hcas i py and Mrs. Harold Woomer at Ma-1 Smith Harry Kellcy Eu- honoy City I gene Bcckenbaugh, Gene Boyce, John McEIroy of Williamsport' Cohan Joseph Long. Lou was a week-end visitor at the home 1 1511 1 1 1 811 Thelma Englert.

Marian Shilling. of Mr. and Mrs. Runner of South Avis Mr. and Mrs.

Wilber Barto of State College spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Runner.

Pine Station Mrs. Mary Miller attended the funeral Thursday of D. N. Thomas at Williamsport and spent a few days there with relatives, return- Shirley Cook, Doris Ludlow, Fravel, Rote, Barbara Dugan and Hazel Betty Charles Clark. GALLAHER Raymond Houscknccht.

GREEN TOWNSHIP Ruth Weaver, Flora Knarr, Irene Geycr. Bcrnice Hcltman. Lawton Davis, Charlotte Swales, John Kelly, Elaine and Gladys Yarrison, Grace Mary Snook, Edward and Howard Heggenstaller, Vivian Flcisher, Grace Frankenbcrger. Russell and Helen Cooper and Helen Cashner. LAMAR Marjorie ing home Sunday.

IMcGill, Anna Leathers. Mary Roll' Mr. and Mrs. C. P.

Pipes and son Anna Belle Bower, Kathryn Berry. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.

Gardner attended the funeral of A. G. Keller at Gleasonton Sunday. Mrs. Nettie Knarr of Flemington Eleanor Barrett.

Florence May Nixon, Elsie Resides, Warren Barrett, Lenore Rossman, Jack Taylor, Gladys Grieb. Charlotte Ungard. is spending some time with her i Harriet Wohlfert, William Jodun. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andJNorada Barner, Margaret iJress, Mrs.

Richard Conser. I Ethel Baker and Thomas In- Jack Heaps of Erie is paying a visit to Bowers. his sister, Mrs. Kinley Mr. and Mrs.

Alan Gardner, son Darryl of Milton spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Gardner.

Shirley Jean returned with her parents after spending a few weeks with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. G. R.

Troulman visited their son. Robert Troutman and family at Spruce Creek. TOWNSHIP Schoonover. Genevicve Botsford. Rav Fred W'-knfr.

LOGAN TOWNSHIP Pearl Lamey, Christine Bierlr. Ruth Miller. Reba Schreckengast, Richard Weaver. Ardell Gunsallis, Paul Frantr, Mac Rowe, Jack Simcox. Kenneth Slaterbeck, Elivood Bicrly and Greninger.

LOGANTO'v Held, Billy Harbach, Ella For Homes That Open with Roses of June Young couples who will soon start out for themselves will find it more than interesting to visit the Shadla Furniture Store for ideas on furnishing tastefully and in the quality way, without financial strain. Large assortments await your inspection and decorator- salesmen will assist you in making your selection wisely. LUXURIOUS LIVING ROOM SUITES Kewlyweds will find it a pleasant task to select living room suites, because there are i-'o many to chocs-e from. A small s'uite at attractive pricu- is shown here. 135 Inquire About Our Liberal Payment Plan MATCHING EASY CHAIR Add this comfortable lounge chair to your suite.


The Express from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.