Star Trek: Every Starfleet Rank, Explained (2024)

Starting with the original series, Star Trek has adopted a quasi-military series of ranks and protocols for its characters. Starfleet is ostensibly a peaceful organization dedicated to exploration and diplomacy, but things can get dangerous on the final frontier. A functioning chain of command is necessary in the event of trouble to ensure that everyone operates at peak efficiency.

It's a bit of a paradox, since Starfleet officers also tend to be rugged individualists, but it makes a good deal of sense and over time has become an indispensable part of the franchise. A given character's rank speaks volumes about their comparative age, their position onboard, and their relationship with the other members of the crew. As with most things Star Trek, rank insignia has evolved over time. Here's a breakdown of Starfleet's ranking system in descending order from the lowliest cadets to the most powerful admirals.

Updated January 18, 2024 by Robert Vaux: Star Trek's ranking system is very stable at this point, and very little tends to change. The article has been updated to include a brief list of prominent members of each rank, along with the series and seasons they held it. It has also been updated to conform to current CBR guidelines.

9 Cadets Are Officers in Training at Starfleet Academy

Prominent Starfleet Cadets:


Nyota Uhura

Strange New Worlds (Season 1)

Sylvia Tilly

Discovery (Season 1)

Wesley Crusher

The Next Generation (Seasons 4-7)


Deep Space Nine (Seasons 4-5)

Nick Locarno (expelled)

The Next Generation (Season 5)


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Cadets are typically students at Starfleet Academy, spending time onboard a starship as part of their training. They hold no rank and must obey the orders of any crewmen. They're often issued temporary badges or communicators and usually have a supervisory officer to watch over them. Cadets in the 23rd century wear badges with a distinctive black backing. Cadets in the 24th century wear distinctive uniforms denoting their status.

In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the Enterprise is used as a training vessel, with the crew consisting almost entirely of cadets. Wesley Crusher formally joins Starfleet Academy starting in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 4, Episode 9, "Final Mission," and spends most of his subsequent appearances at that rank. Similarly, Nyota Uhura joins the Enterprise as a cadet in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, as does Sylvia Tilly in Star Trek: Discovery.

8 Enlisted Personnel/NCO Are Starfleet's Worker Bees

Prominent Starfleet Enlisted Personnel:


Janice Rand

The Original Series (Season 1)

Miles O'Brien

The Next Generation (Seasons 1-7), Deep Space Nine (Seasons 1-7)

J.M. Colt

Pilot, "The Cage"

Timothy Lang

Voyager (Seasons 4-6)

Enrique Munoz

Deep Space Nine (Seasons 4-5)

While officers attend Starfleet Academy, the rank-and-file personnel attend the 24th-century equivalent of boot camp. They become the anonymous crew working in the background, performing the countless tiny tasks required to keep a starship running. Their ranks include both enlisted crewmen and petty officers (the equivalent of sergeants) who often play supervisory roles. They typically lack any insignia on their uniforms, though chief petty officers in the Next Generation era sometimes have a black pip or similar marking.

Enlisted personnel often serve as The Original Series' infamous red shirts: doomed to die in the name of plot exposition. The Next Generation introduces perhaps Starfleet's best-known enlisted man. Miles O'Brien runs the transporters on the Enterprise-D, and later becomes Chief of Operations on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

7 Ensigns Hold The Lowest Rank

Prominent Starfleet Ensigns:


Pavel Chekov

The Original Series (Seasons 2-3)

Beckett Mariner

Lower Decks (Seasons 1-3)

Brad Boimler

Lower Decks (Seasons 1-3)

D'Vana Tendi

Lower Decks (Seasons 1-3)

Sam Rutherford

Lower Decks (Seasons 1-3)

Harry Kim

Voyager (Seasons 1-7)

Travis Mayweather

Enterprise (Seasons 1-4)

Nyota Uhura

Strange New Worlds (Season 2)


Every Star Trek Series, Ranked

Some Star Trek shows are better received than others, but they all boldly push the franchise forward in some way.

Ensigns are the lowest-ranking officers on Starfleet vessels. Cadets typically receive the rank of ensign immediately upon graduation from Starfleet Academy. While they technically have command authority, they're usually assigned menial tasks beneath the attention of the senior officers. Like NCOs, they lack insignia on their uniforms in The Original Series era. With The Next Generation and later series, ensigns receive a single gold pip on their collar. They're often lumped into the red shirt category.

Harry Kim is probably the franchise's most famous (or infamous) ensign, failing to receive a single promotion through Star Trek: Voyager's seven seasons, despite serving with distinction on the bridge. The Original Series' Pavel Chekov also begins his Starfleet career as an ensign, though he advances at a faster rate. Of course, the four main characters in Star Trek: Lower Decks are ensigns, though they all receive a promotion to lieutenant, junior grade at the beginning of Season 4.

6 Lieutenant, Junior Grade Have More Responsibility Than Ensigns

Prominent Starfleet Lieutenants, Junior Grade:


Ezri Dax

Deep Space Nine (Season 7)

Julian Bashir

Deep Space Nine (Seasons 1-3)

Geordi La Forge

The Next Generation (Season 1)


The Next Generation (Season 1)

Tom Paris

Voyager (Seasons 1-5, 7)

B'Elanna Torres

Voyager (Seasons 1-7)

The next step up the ladder is lieutenant, junior grade. These are officers with more authority and responsibility than ensigns, but who still require seasoning before taking higher command positions. Medical personnel typically receive the lieutenant, junior grade rank after graduating, which reflects their extended training time. The Original Series uses a single dashed bar on the uniform sleeves to denote them, though Strange New Worlds has retconned that with a connected colored bar. The Next Generation and later series note the rank with a second black pip in addition to the ensign's colored pip.

Both Julian Bashir and Ezri Dax hold the rank of lieutenant, junior grade when they begin their duties on Deep Space 9, though Ezri receives hers as a field promotion in Season 7, Episode 3, "Afterimage." Geordi La Forge starts as a lieutenant, junior grade too, as does Mr. Worf. B'Elanna Torres receives the rank on a provisional basis when she joins the crew of the Voyager, and the Lower Decks crew are all promoted to lieutenant, junior grade in Season 4, Episode 1, "Twovix."

5 Lieutenants Lead the Away Teams and More

Prominent Starfleet Lieutenants:


Hikaru Sulu

The Original Series (Seasons 1-3)


Strange New Worlds (Seasons 1-2)

Tasha Yar

The Next Generation (Season 1)


The Next Generation (Seasons 2-7)

Geordi La Forge

The Next Generation (Season 2)

Erica Ortegas

Strange New Worlds (Seasons 1-2)

Keyla Detmer

Discovery (Seasons 1-3)

Jadzia Dax

Deep Space Nine (Seasons 1-3)


Did Star Trek (2009) Incorporate a Story From a Canceled Original Series Movie?

When J.J. Abrams helped reboot Star Trek in 2009, elements of the film seemed borrowed from The Academy Years, a discarded Original Series era movie.

Lieutenants have advanced to the point where they can take on considerable responsibilities. They may lead away teams or control key systems, and they often appear among the bridge crew or even as department heads. The Original Series notes them with a single bar on the uniform sleeve, while Strange New Worlds adds a second thinner bar above the lieutenant, junior grade's insignia. The Next Generation uses two colored pips on the collar — a method emulated by subsequent series.

Worf spends most of The Next Generation's later seasons as a lieutenant (he's promoted to lieutenant commander during the events of Star Trek Generations) while Ro Laren is promoted to lieutenant shortly before her defection to the Maquis in The Next Generation Season 7, Episode 24, "Preemptive Strike." Lieutenants often occupy the helm position, including Hikaru Sulu in The Original Series, Keyla Detmer in Star Trek: Discovery, and Erica Ortegas in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

4 Lieutenant Commanders Head up Departments

Prominent Starfleet Lieutenant Commanders:



The Next Generation (Seasons 1-7)


The Original Series (Seasons 1-3)

Geordi La Forge

The Next Generation (Seasons 3-7)


Deep Space Nine (Seasons 4-7 + movies)


The Original Series (Seasons 1-3)

Keyla Detmer

Discovery (Seasons 4-5)

Jadzia Dax

Deep Space Nine (Seasons 4-6)

Lieutenant commanders hold positions of senior responsibility onboard a starship, even serving as executive officers or de facto captains on small ships. One larger ships, they often serve as the head of specific departments such as science and engineering. In The Original Series, the rank is designated with two stripes on the sleeve — one thick, one dashed — which Strange New Worlds adjusts to two thick colored bands. The Next Generation and subsequent shows note lieutenant commanders with two colored pips and one black one.

Montgomery Scott holds the rank of lieutenant commander in The Original Series, acting as Chief Engineer and even commanding the Enterprise when Kirk and Spock are away on missions. Similarly, Geordi La Forge rises to the rank of lieutenant commander in The Next Generation, joining Data and Deanna Troi at the position, though the latter eventually advances to commander. Worf and Jadzia Dax are both lieutenant commanders when they begin their romance on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Lastly, the original Number One — Una Chin-Riley on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — is a lieutenant commander.

3 Commanders Aid and Can Take Over the Captain's Dutires

Prominent Starfleet Commanders:


Will Riker

The Next Generation (Seasons 1-7)

Ben Sisko

Deep Space Nine (Seasons 1-3)

Seven of Nine

Picard (Season 3)

Michael Burnham

Discovery (Seasons 1-3)


After Star Trek: Discovery, the 32nd Century Should Be the Franchise's New Frontier

Star Trek Discovery avoided a host of potential continuity issues by leaping 900 years into the future. The franchise as a whole should follow suit.

Commanders are usually the ship's executive officers, "Number Ones," who assist the captain in their duties and step up in the event the captain is incapacitated. Commanders are often viewed as captains in training, and ultimately destined for a ship of their own in the future. In some cases, commanders are the head authority on smaller ships or space stations. Chief medical officers often hold this position as well. They're delineated by two thick bands on their sleeves in The Original Series era and three colored pips on the collar in The Next Generation and later.

Mr. Spock holds the rank of commander during the events of The Original Series, serving double duty as chief science officer as well. He's been followed by the likes of William Riker on The Next Generation and Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Picard. In addition, Beverly Crusher and Leonard McCoy both hold the rank of commander, while Deanna Tori is promoted to commander in Season 7, Episode 16, "Thine Own Self." Ben Sisko also begins his tenure on Deep Space 9 as a commander before being promoted to full captain at the end of Season 3.

2 Captains Command Starfleet's Various Starships

Prominent Starfleet Captains:


James Kirk

The Original Series (Seasons 1-3), Star Trek (Movies V-VI), Star Trek: Generations

Jean-Luc Picard

The Next Generation (Seasons 1-7 + movies)

Ben Sisko

Deep Space Nine (Seasons 4-7)

Kathryn Janeway

Voyager (Seasons 1-7)

Jonathan Archer

Enterprise (Seasons 1-4)

Michael Burnham

Discovery (Seasons 4-5)

The captain serves as the commander of a starship, with the entire crew ranked beneath them. This affords them a great deal of autonomy, but also equal amounts of responsibility. Starships must often face dangers alone in the far depths of space. It falls to the captain to make the final call when lives are at stake. Occasionally, captains can be found in other duties, such as commanding a star base or holds an administrative position on Earth. Captains are delineated by three stripes on their sleeves in the Original Series era — two thick, one dashed — which Strange New Worlds slightly alters to a single thin band sandwiched between two thicker ones. The Next Generation era uses four full pips on the collar.

Most Star Trek series use a captain as the main character, starting with James T. Kirk in The Original Series. Their ranks include Jean-Luc Picard, Kathryn Janeway, Christopher Pike, and Carol Freeman. In addition, many lower-ranking characters eventually attain the captain's chair, such as Will Riker, Tuvok, and Mr. Spock. Both Ben Sisko and Michael Burnham become captain after several seasons of climbing the ranks, a change from most Star Trek series which tend to begin with their captains in place.

1 Admirals Possess The Greatest Rank and Come to Represent Starfleet Itself

Prominent Starfleet Admirals:


James Kirk

Star Trek (Movies I-IV)

Jean-Luc Picard

Picard (Seasons 1-3)

Kathryn Janeway

Prodigy (Seasons 1-2)

Leonard McCoy

The Next Generation (Season 1)

Charles Vance

Discovery (Seasons 3-5)


Gene Roddenberry Created Star Trek, but Who Is the Woman Behind The Franchise?

Fans laud Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, but he didn't do it alone, with Dorothy D.C. Fontana being a very important woman in franchise history.

Admirals are Starfleet's major movers and shakers, placed in charge of entire fleets or overseeing vital operations. As flag officers, they no longer serve onboard starships, though they can claim command of one if circ*mstances dictate. James T. Kirk takes control of the Enterprise as an Admiral in both Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, while both Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek: Prodigy and Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Picard are the authority on their respective vessels.

In addition to giving successful captains a cushy desk job, Star Trek often uses admirals as stand-ins for Starfleet itself: either aiding the crew in their endeavors or standing in their way when they go against protocol. They're delineated by a wide variety of methods, and hold varying ranks within the admiralty, such as Vice Admiral and Commodore, that shift from project to project.

Star Trek: Every Starfleet Rank, Explained (6)
Star Trek

The Star Trek universe encompasses multiple series, each offering a unique lens through which to experience the wonders and perils of space travel. Join Captain Kirk and his crew on the Original Series' voyages of discovery, encounter the utopian vision of the Federation in The Next Generation, or delve into the darker corners of galactic politics in Deep Space Nine. No matter your preference, there's a Star Trek adventure waiting to ignite your imagination.

Star Trek: Every Starfleet Rank, Explained (2024)


What are the ranks of Starfleet? ›

Star Trek Ranks, Explained
  • 4 Lieutenant Commanders Head up Departments.
  • 5 Lieutenants Lead the Away Teams and More. ...
  • 6 Lieutenant, Junior Grade Have More Responsibility Than Ensigns. ...
  • 7 Ensigns Hold The Lowest Rank. ...
  • 8 Enlisted Personnel/NCO Are Starfleet's Worker Bees. ...
  • 9 Cadets Are Officers in Training at Starfleet Academy. ...

Who has the highest rank in Star Trek? ›

As the preeminent rank in Starfleet, a Fleet Admiral holds authority over the entire organization.

Is Captain or commander higher in Star Trek? ›

Commander is the last step on the Starfleet career ladder to the captain's chair and one of the most senior ranks on any starship as they deputized for the ship's Captain.

What is the difference between Admiral and Commodore Starfleet? ›

As a traditional grade, commodore is the most junior flag officer rank of a naval organization, below admiral (usually under rear admiral) but senior to captain. Commodores command groups of ships, as opposed to captains commanding single ships or units.

Who outranks an Admiral? ›

Admiral ranks above vice admiral and below fleet admiral in the Navy; the Coast Guard and the Public Health Service do not have an established grade above admiral. Admiral is equivalent to the rank of general in the other uniformed services.

What rank was Spock? ›

Spock's rank throughout the entire series is Commander, not a mere Lieutenant Commander. Here, he is wearing the rank insignia of Commander (two full bars). In the discussion of the 'slingshot' around the Sun, Spock refers to seeking out the Sun's 'magnetic attraction'.

What is Miles O Brien's rank? ›

Sergey Rozhenko calls him a Chief Petty Officer in "Family" (TNG) but he had been referred to in previous episodes as Lieutenant. Eventually, O'Brien receives a distinct senior chief petty officer's insignia and his rank is emphatically identified in "Hippocratic Oath" (DS9).

What rank was Kirk? ›

James T. Kirk
Full nameJames Tiberius Kirk
TitleCadet Ensign Lieutenant Commander Captain Admiral
PositionChief of Starfleet Operations USS Enterprise: Commanding officer USS Enterprise-A: Commanding officer
AffiliationUnited Federation of Planets Starfleet
10 more rows

What is Riker's rank in Picard? ›

In the two-part episode “The Best of Both Worlds” Riker takes command of the Enterprise, assuming the rank of captain through a field promotion, and orchestrates Picard's rescue.

Who has the strongest military in Star Trek? ›

Listed by overall military strength, from strongest to weakest.
  • The Dominion.
  • The United Federation of Planets.
  • The Klingon Empire.
  • The Romulan Star Empire.
  • The Cardassian Union.
  • The Tholian Assembly.
  • The Ferengi Alliance.
  • The Breen Confederacy. United Federation of Planets.
Sep 21, 2016

Does T-Pol outrank trips? ›

it is clear she has positional authority as second in command. That's the easiest explanation. T'Pol outranked Trip simply because she was the XO and he wasn't.

What rank is Picard? ›

After serving as Captain of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E for well over a decade, Jean-Luc Picard was promoted to Admiral and departed the Enterprise-E to oversee the evacuation of Romulus before a supernova could destroy it.

What does NCC stand for on Starfleet ships? ›

A "C" for a second letter refers to a civil aircraft. Jefferies added a second "C" because he thought it looked better. The Franz Joseph Blueprints, the book The Making of Star Trek, and a handful of Star Trek novels speculate that NCC is an initialism for "Naval Construction Contract".

What is the most powerful Starfleet ship ever? ›

Designed as part of Starfleet's advanced technology starship program, the Invincible-class emerged from the dockyards in 2384 as the most sophisticated, most comprehensively armed, most impressive and the most advanced starship in Starfleet.

Is there anything higher than fleet admiral? ›

The Navy does not have an established rank senior to fleet admiral. The only officially recognized United States military rank senior to fleet admiral is General of the Armies when Congress passed Pub.

What is the Starfleet chain of command? ›

The Commanding Officer makes any final decision on behalf of the club. The Executive Officer is the first member of the crew who fulfills the Captain's order. The Executive Officer has the authority to delegate these orders to the Second Officer (if present), Department Chiefs and/or Chapter Crewmembers.

What is the hierarchy ship Star Trek? ›

The Hierarchy survey vessel was a type of starship utilized by the Overlookers. The ship was armed with polaron-based weapons including torpedoes and directed energy weapons powerful enough to disable a Delta Flyer-type shuttlecraft.

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