Miraculous Fantasy! The tale of three teens in over their heads - Chapter 28 - 616mcu, HAZZARD_OVERFLOW - Spider-Man (2024)

Chapter Text

“My bros, I have gathered you here, in this secret lair, to discuss things others were not meant to know.” Tomorrow had come, and as he brought Adrien and Peter in for this meeting, a hand was raised. “Yes Peter?”

“When did you get access to a desk in the boiler room?” Peter pointed to his surroundings. “In fact, how did you get access to the boiler room at all?”

“Mr. Damacleos lost one of his spare keys two years ago, and I’ve been using this place since.” Nino answered.

“And the janitor hasn’t said anything?” Adrien asked. “You have a blackboard and everything.”

“That dude is one of the chillest people alive. As long as we don’t make a mess for him to clean, anything goes.” Swell guy, occasionally they just jammed a couple of tunes while drinking a few can’s a pop like total bros. “But that’s not important…”

“I feel like using school property without permission is…” Adrian muttered.

“That’s not as important as what I’m about to tell you two… and if anything goes wrong, I want you both to swear that you’ll take it to your graves.”

“Please don’t tell me you want to do a blood pact.” Peter begged. “Already did that once, not pleasant.”

“... No-what kind of people live in New York?” Nino asked with a bit of horror. He knew it was the center of weird on earth, but he never thought it was THAT intense.

“You don’t want to know.” Peter shook his head. “Anyways, we won't say anything. My lips are sealed.”

“Same here, this is a safe space.” Adrien nodded.

“Right … here it goes …” Nino took in a deep breath … and let it out. “I have a crush on Marinette.” It was there, in the open, for the world to hear … it felt good, and terrifying.

“….You what?”

“Yeah, since grade school actually. She’s just so upbeat and uplifting in spite of being a bit klutzy.” He said. “But when I kinda tried to write up a love letter on valentines the Chloe mix up incident of 07 happened, and my letter went to Mylene … was so close to having Ivan strangle me with his glare that day.” He still got silent death threats from the bulky boy to this day.

“That’s … something …” Adrien nodded. “Well … this is akward.”

“... Why?” They asked hesitantly. Don’t tell him … Adrien noticed?

“Cause Peter … kinda has a crush on her too.”

What!? “What!?” Peter shouted in shock. “I-I do not! She’s just a friend.”

“Honestly I thought you were into Alya if I’m being honest.” Nino said, feeling partial relief, although not complete in case Peter was just denying it for his sake.

“Why would you think that!?” Peter shouted.

“Well now that I think on it, she’s kinda playful, like that MJ girl you talked about.” Adrien said with a tone of curiosity.

“That should let you know we’re only friends!”

“You’re also always helping her with her blog, and your usually the first person she looks for when she wants to film akumas.” Nino added.

“Because redheads are stubborn and she’s the most stubborn of all!” Peter countered. “Part of the reason I bail is so she doesn’t drag me along into her shenanigans.”

“So you’re not into Marinette or Alya … Alix then?” Adrien asked. “I think that’s just gonna end badly.” Yeah, the girl didn’t even like romance at all… even though Nino swore she checked out a few butts whenever people weren’t looking.

“When did this become about shipping me!?” Peter shouted again. “Nino’s the one who’s actually confessing feelings that actually exist!”

“I don’t see why that’s a big deal.” Adrien said. “If you don’t like her, then Nino can just ask Marinette out.”

“It’s not that simple.” Nino said with embarrassment.

“Why not? If you like a girl, tell them. Anime just taught me holding in your feelings results in long and complicated plots that only hinder the characters and never lead anywhere.” The sheltered model said.

“Well yeah, but ever since that failed valentines day flop, I’ve never been able to speak about it without getting tongue tied.” Nino sighed.

“But you talk to her normally all the time.” Peter pointed out. “Heck, baring Chloe and occasionally Kim, everyone in class is pretty amicable with each other.”

“Yeah, but there’s a difference between talking like a friend and talking like a boyfriend.” He argued.

“I could teach you some pickup lines.” Adrien offered.

“Adrian…. when have you EVER used pick up lines?” Peter asked with suspicion. “Usually you're the one who has girls trying that on you when they’re not chasing you around time like an angry mob but hopped up on lust.”

“I … wanted to learn a few after meeting Ladybug in person.” The boy answered with a blush.

“Dude, you’re crushing on Ladybug?” Nino asked. “I mean she’s amazing, but you know that’s not going anywhere, right?”

“Hey, it could. I mean… she has to have a life underneath the mask… it’s just all about… getting to know her at the right time.” Adrian shyly chuckled.

“You mean any time where she’s not saving us from an akuma?” Peter raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah … bound to happen eventually.” The boy nodded optimistically. “But not today, today is the day we help Nino get together with Marinette.”

“Wait, really?! You’re going to help me!?” Nino shouted excitedly.

“Well as your best bros, it’s only fair we get you a date with Marinette.” Adrian smiled, patting him on the back. “Right, Peter?”

“…Right, totally up for it.” Peter nodded slowly, though it looked like he was gritting his teeth.

“Great! Awesome, thanks guys!” Nino hugged the two. “And I’ll try to help you two with your things, Adrian with Ladybug and Peter with…well, whoever you’re into.”

“Can’t I just be a single guy who’s not looking for a date currently?” Peter asked.

“You can’t pull it off like Max can.” Nino answered. “He’s already got the nerd schtick down more than you. You have the sass to bark against Chloe, so we gotta add something else.”

“You will rue the day.” Peter grumbled. “Now excuse me, I have to take care of something before we start planning.”


Peter grumbled in front of the aspiring reporter with a groan. “Alya … I need your help.” Well today was going to be annoying. After all the hard work he put into helping Marinette get closer to Adrian, suddenly a bombshell like this suddenly drops and messes with everything.

“Well now, the guy who flakes every time I ask him to record a villain attack suddenly needs something?” She asked with a smirk.

“Would it smooth things over to say I got footage of Gamer when he was chasing me across town?” He handed her his cell phone. Spider-man might’ve put his foot down on recording akumas live, but Peter Parker was free to film running for his life.

“You have five minutes.” Alya snatched the device with a grin.

“Nino told me and Adrian he has a crush.” Peter hated to break the promise, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

“Really?” Alya raised an eyebrow. “Huh… guess that’s not impossible, but never seen him show any interest in anybody. Is it Alix, cause I feel like that’s the only one close enough to his personality… though I don’t think she’ll reciprocate on any occasion.”

“Nope … Marinette.” He let the silence hang for a moment.

“........ HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA….!” The girl laughed loud enough to almost fall to the ground. “AHAHAHAHAAHAHA, oh, oh I needed that laugh….” She looked up at him with his serious expression. “....Oh god you’re being serious.”

“Please be a little more quiet, I promised Nino I wouldn’t tell anyone … the same time Adrien promised to help him get a date with Marinette.”

“Did he make you do a blood pact over it?”

“Thankfully no. My soul is safe.”

“Then you came to the right red head.” Admittedly, Nino did have a small point, and what he said to Chat Noir back then was true. Alya was definitely someone he wouldn’t mind going out with, but she was pretty nosey and would no doubt figure out his identity if he got that close… and Peter was pretty sure the girl also had no self preservation instincts even if you held a gun to her head. “How serious is it?”

“Serious enough that he’s wrote a love letter that ended up in that infamous 07 Chloe mix up and has held in his feelings ever since.”

“Really, that long?” Alya tapped her chin. “Huh….I would’ve never guessed. He’s so laid back most of the time I couldn’t tell if he acted differently with Marinette in the past.”

“Apparently you can be subtle about a crush … wish I knew that before Liz Allen.” Peter grumbled. The one time he wanted to be open with his feelings and it bit him in the but… and the face. “So I need to either help Nino and Marrinete get together, or bluntly tell him he can’t like her cause she likes Adrien who likes Ladybug.” Peter said. “I need girl advice …”

“So because I’m a girl, you come to me?” Alya playfully teased.

“That, and because you’re also friends with Marinette and clearly see how big of a mess this whole love spiel is, and as an outside observer who’s also single, I believe your the only one who can understand my plight.” He rubbed his forehead. “I thought shipping was supposed to be fun, not irritating.”

“It’s only irritating when you do it to idiots. Luckily for you, I can fix all of this.” Alya said. “We just need to get Marinette and Nino on a date, and have the latter admit his feelings.”

“....And that’s going to help how…”

“Cause you and I both know that the girl only has eyes for Adrien and Adrien alone. If we’re going to help Nino, we need to get him to see that his crush isn’t going to go anywhere with Marinette letting him down gently.”

“Smart…. but Marinette’s also too nice and gets flustered easily. What if she ends up saying yes to a date in the middle of a klutzy flub?”

“Because we’re gonna be there to boost her confidence just in case.” She smiled. “We can go to the zoo. My dad’s the zookeeper, so I have free entry for life. It’s a nice casual setting where two people on a date, or rather a group of friends, can hang out. Marinette is chill and comfortable, Nino tries to ask her out, and she gently lets him down easy. Win-win for everyone.”

He gave out a sigh of relief. “Thank you Alya. This is such a relief.”

”Anything for the ship.” She grinned. “Just make sure to help film the next akuma.”

“Fine fine … hopefully I’m not around when it happens.” Peter said.

“Oh, you WILL be.” She pulled out handcuffs out of her pocket. “Don’t think I’m not prepared to use these, cause I will.”

“… How long have you been sitting on those?”

“Too long.” She shrugged, putting them back. “You know, for all the time we talk about Marinette’s and Adrian’s love life, ours remain pretty uneventful.”

“Don’t know about you, but people aren’t exactly lining up to date nerdy Peter Parker, so I’m pretty much stuck in limbo.” He shrugged.

“Come on, don’t be such a debbie downer. You stand up to Chloe, so getting out there can’t be too hard for you.” Alya smirked. “What about Felicia?”

“The girl barely knows I exist.”

“That is an exaggeration.” Alya waved off.

“Hey Alya.” The girl waved as she walked by. “Hey Petro.”

“....French to American mistranslation?” Alya suggested.

“Trust me Alya, I learned long ago romance is not in the stars for this high school teen.” Peter rolled his eyes. Spidey on the other hand … he has all the options in the world. He’ll play up the single celebrity thing for the rest of the year before going into something more serious. “What about you, miss Nosey Shark? Anybody catching the gleam of your glasses?”

“Nobody that isn’t already taken or smitten with someone else.” She chuckled. “So no romance on my end with no fish in the sea.”

“It’s a lonely stream we travel down.” He smirked as they both nodded in agreement.

“Hey, we singles gotta stick together.” She offered him a fist pump, which he accepted. His love life may have a few holes in it, but he’s gain quite a few friends since New York. That was more than Peter could’ve ever expected out of a high school life.


Alya probably should have made codenames. That would have made this whole thing a lot more exciting. “I can’t believe you managed to get Alya on our side.” Adrien gave off an innocent smile too pure for this world.

“Yep, totally. Planned the whole zoo trip and everything. Couldn’t do it without her.” Peter lied through his teeth with an innocent grin.

“Don’t worry Adrien, we’ll make sure Nino confesses.” Which wasn’t wrong, she would help him there … just not getting together with Marinette. She pulled Peter in close. “Just FYI, the only way I could convince Marinette to come along was if I promised this was an opportunity for her and Adrien to spend time alone.” No way the girl was going to come if she knew Nino was coming to confess to her. She’d probably get worried about setting off another Akuma from turning him down.

“Just say he’s running late with a last minute interview, it’ll be believable.” Peter whispered back, before sitting up. “So, you give Nino the pep talk?”

“Just be confident and direct. He has this in the bag.” Adrien smiled. “Just as long as everyone’s honest, there’s nothing he has to worry about.” Oh this poor naive fool. He had so much to learn about the world. “So when’s Marinette comin?.” Hopefully late so that could give them time to hide Adrien from view-

“Right here.” Said girl spoke up from behind with a wave.

“Gah!” Alya jumped, taking a breath. “Give me warning next time before you pull a reverse New Yorker.”

“Sorry, I thought I should come early, you know, cause…. reasons.” She blushed upon looking at Adrien, turning her head around quickly. Well that complicated the plan. “So….Zoo…. how nice…..what made you think Zoo day today?”

“Why not?” Peter shrugged. “Heard there was a new Black Panther exhibit…. the animal not the hero… and thought it would be interesting.” He pointed to said cage holding said animal.

“I’m telling you guys, I can totally outrun a panther!” Kim shouted with a couple of their classmates, proving their point.

“That’s physically impossible!” Her dad shouted, with a bucket full or raw mean and his face heating up with steaming anger. “No one can outrun my panther, especially not a co*cky teeneger!”

“I outswam dolphins, one big kitty is nothing compared to that!” The big guy grinned.


“A cats a cat, like a lion’s a tiger.”


“.....Should we be concerned?” Marinette asked. “I feel like that conversation’s taking a downward turn real fast.”

“Oh, that’s just my Dad. Don’t pay attention to the shouting, he’s just really passionate about his animals.” Alya waved off, before noticing a figure in the distance. “Oh look, Nino’s on his way over here. Why don’t you go with him and observe? The rest of us are gonna grab animal snacks.”

“But …” Marinette started.

“It’s fine Marinette, we’ll be right back, promise.” Adrien smiled as he pushed the two of them along the way. “Okay Totally Tortoise, the eagle is set for landing.” He pulled out a phone as soon as they were out of view.”

“Wait, you made codenames without me?” She asked with a pout.

“Well I didn’t know that you were getting involved until the last minute, so I never got the chance.” Adrien answered. “Now we just need to get the words out.”

So….uh…..nice weather we’re having…”

“He did NOT just say that.” Peter shook his head in disappointment.

“Just say ‘I like you’.” Even Adrien was complaining.

“This is why girls usually take the lead.” Alya groaned. “We at least know how to spot the cliche’s before they happen.

“....Right…You okay Nino?” Marinette asked in concern. “You’re looking pretty red.”

“Girl denies it when it happens to her but spots it on other people?” Peter questioned her. “How the heck does that work?”

“Happens to her?” Adrien asked with confusion. “What does that mean-does Marinette like someone already?” How the heck was he only catching on now!? “Is Nino about to get his heart broken?”

“Don’t worry Adrien, this is going to be a gentle talk down about rejection.” Alya assured the boy.

I … have a crush … on …” Come on … say it … “Alya!”



“Wait, were you guys spying on us!?” Marinette turned on them.

“I …” Quick, distraction, someone, please.

“AAAAHHHHH!!” Kim screamed in horror, running away from a black panther with purple eyes.

“The animals got loose!” Adrien shouted.

“Get back here you brat!” … The panther shouted.

“....Any off-chance that your dad gets the animals from the savage land?” Peter asked hesitantly.

“Actually it almost sounded like …” Alya blinked in recognition. “DAD!?” She shouted.

The panther turned to her … and gave a smile. “Hey sweetie, hope you're having fun. Be sure to be back by seven, your mother’s making casserole tonight. Now if you excuse me, I NEED TO FEAST ON A KID FOR SAYING HE’S BETTER THAN THE ANIMALS!” Her dad turned animal shouted, chasing after Kim.

“COME ON! I’M JUST TRYING TO HAVE FUN!” The jock shouted fearfully.

“Then have fun RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE!”

Alya shook her head. “Peter, I need your help-“ The boy was gone. “… NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, THE HANDCUFFS ARE COMING OUT!” She grumbled as she took out her phone. “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself-”

“Oh no you don’t!” Marinette grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away.

“Marinette, even if it’s not to film, my DAD is an akuma! I need to be there for him!”

“I get that, but I’m also partially mad that apparently I was tricked into coming here to be set up with Nino.” She growled as she pushed her into what looked like an empty cage.

“Hey, hey, hey, let me explain, I knew you wouldn’t say yes-”

“Not the point, you still tricked me!” Marinette yelled. “So this is me both keeping you safe AND making sure you don’t do anything ELSE stupid!”

“Marinette, you can’t do this-“ She tried to say, before Nino was also shoved in there.

“Be safe!” Adrien said with a smile, before running away.

“Wait, bro, come on!” Nino shouted as the cage was closed on them. He shook the bars of the cage, only for no budge. “Damn it, they locked it from the outside!”

“Yep …” Alya said, getting his attention. She should’ve known it was going to go off the rails somehow. “… So, crush on me?”

“Sorry…I…I panicked. I was trying to confess to Marinette, but….ug, I’m not as smooth as I-wait, were you spying on us?” Nino asked.

“Peter asked for my help in getting you to confess.” She bluntly stated. Which wasn’t completely untrue. “And when I ask for his help, he suddenly bails while my other best friend forces me to be stuck in a cage while my dad’s an akuma and they’re totally being unreasonable here while my family is-!”

“Whoa dudette, chill, chill out.” Nino patted her shoulders and put his headphones her ears.. “Let the beat soothe your vibes.”

“Wow … this is a pretty nice selection.” She could already feel herself calming.

“I’m a DJ, I know how to pick a good vibe.” He grinned. “I usually pick this one when we’re under an akuma attack.”

“So all the time then?”

“Pretty much.” He nodded. “Wanna hear what I play for tests?”

“… Why not?” She had time apparently


Adrien got behind a wall as Plagg came out. “Oooh, cat enemy. Haven’t fought a panther in a while. Can’t wait to show them the REAL king of cats.”

“Is there a long story there?”

“Just that I’ve had a few run ins with a couple of black panthers over the years. Never ends well.” The kwami shook his head.

“I doubt this one will either. Plagg, claws out!” With a change, he jumped on the roof, seeing the animals fleeing their cages. “Looks like the villain of the day decided to free all the gorillas and giraffes. Paris is becoming one big zoo house.”

“We already have cats, ladybugs, and Spider’s jumpling all over the place. I think our exotic animal quota has already been filled.” Spidey swung in.

“All you did was list everyday animals.” Ladybug joined them. “The most exotic thing about spiders is their ability to annoy you at every turn.”

“And the most exotic things about ladybugs is their ability to nag you around every coroner.” Spidey shot back.

“Ladies, ladies, your both beautiful….though Ladybug has more eye appeal Spidey, sorry.” Chat smirked. It didn’t feel like a serious villain day today…. Not that people turning into animals and wanting to eat people wasn’t serious, but…regular Hawkmoth akuma serious was better than Mr. Negative serious.

“Hey, she has the thighs, can’t deny.” Spidey nodded jokingly.

“Hey, keep your eight eyes to yourself, perv.” She growled.

“So, we’re dealing with one angry talking panther in a city of animals.” Spidey said, looking over the streets. “We either need to find the boy he’s chasing, or a pile of catnip. Chat, know any good vendors?”

“No good, Spidey. This cat’s purebred and clean, never been tempted.” He spoke proudly, looking at the running loose deers and elephants chasing the screaming people. “Though if our villain’s a talking panther, what’re the chances he’s now the alpha wolf of the back.

“There’s a big difference between a pack and a herd. Not everyone is listening.” Ladybug pointed to the adorable sight of a giraffe eating a flower from the window of a smiling little girl. “But you might have a point, the panther should probably be in the front.”

“Alright, onwards my Spider-friends, to the island of Dr. Monroe!” Spidey cackkled, swinging ahead on top of an elephant. “Look ma, no hands!”

“No brains either, you really ARE impressive.” Ladybug shot back, landing on a Rhino.

“I can’t tell if it’s healthier or not when you bicker or get along.” Chat muttered as he rode a giraffe forward.

“Whataya talking about, it’s all in good fun Chat.” Spidey snickered as they moved forward. “We play, we fight, and we love, that’s just how the dynamic works. Like how Wolverine tries to cut Cyclop’s head off every few years, it’s all water under the bridge.”

“He tries to what now?” Chat blinked.

“Found him!” Ladybug pulled out her YoYo, tossing it around a black, purple eyed panther chasing Kim. “You’re not getting away from us, zookeeper!”

“The name is Animan!” The panther shouted … before it morphed into a purple eyed falcon, taking to the skies as it continued following Kim.

“Looks like cats finally fly.” He turned to his lady. “Do I have a shot at you now, Bugaboo?”

“Not if you keep using that pet name, Chaton.” Ladybug said as she tried to hit the villain with her yo-yo. “Animan, is causing all this chaos really worth it to show up ONE annoying kid?”

“If it means proving animals are superior to humans, then gladly!” The akuma shouted, switching to a rhino as he went after Kim.

“Too many regrets! Not enough oxygen in my lungs!” Kim shouted.

“Never skip leg day kiddies, that’s the lesson of the day.” Chat chuckled as he pole vaulted over to Kim and got him out of the way.

“Spider-man vs the Rhino… somehow I’m getting the strangest case of Dejavu.” Spidey chuckled as she sent his chain out and wrapped it around his horn., making him lean into a nearby wall.

“Oh really? How about a reptile!” Animan shrunk down to an alligator, trying to take a bite out of Spidey as Chat noticed a nice little accessory on the villain’s arm.

“Actually yeah now that I think about it!” He responded as Ladybug grabbed the tail with her yo-yo and pulled Animan back. “At least you’re not pulling out any scorpions, that would just be too freaky for comfort!”

Chat moved in close, trying to snag the bracelet he thought was the akumatized object, only for the villain to shrink down to a snake, slithering past Chat Noir as it was now wrapped around his neck. “He has a bracelet, M’lady! It’s the only piece of clothing he has on him with every form!”

“We just need to keep him pinned until we can grab it!” Ladybug tried jumping onto the snake, only for them to turn into a porcupine. “… So glad these suits are magic.”

“Oh come on!” Animan complained, transforming into a gorilla and smacking the heroine away. “If it wasn’t for you bullsh*t magic, you’d be crushed into paste right now!”

“Whoa, language buddy, there’s baby antelopes around!” Spidey jumped on the villain’s back. “Do you want the next generation to pick up on that kind of dirty language?”

“Face it Animan, there’s nothing in the animal kingdom that can take out a true hero!” Chat Noir smirked. Animan growled in response … before transforming into a tyrannosaurus rex. “… Mind if we furget I said that?” He nervously corrected.

“RAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” Th villain shouted as he ran through a building and smashed through the wall, shaking spidey off and swatting Ladybug by the tail.

“Anyone watch that dinosaur movie where the t-rex went on a rampage?” Ladybug asked as she shook off the daze.

“We talking Jurassic Park or Back to the Future?” Spidey asked, dusting himself off.

“Since when were there dinosaurs in Back to the Future?” Chat asked.

“Might have been a butterfly effect from one of Doctor Doom’s time travel plots, not entirely sure.” Spidey shook his head. “Okay, are we all cool on not holding back against the giant rampaging Dino?”

“Anything short of Cataclysming him into dust is all good.” Ladybug nodded.

“Good, just let it be stated for the record that Spider-man doesn’t approve of animal abuse of any kind.” The web head nodded, turning to the rampaging villain.

“RAAAAA!” Animan shouted as Spidey jumped back, rearing his fist …



….As the dinosaur stopped in its tracks… and fell to the side… unconscious. “And that’s one for Spidey, zip for the Cretaceous era.” Spidey quipped, dusting his hands off as he went over and kicked the bracelet, ignoring their gobsmacked looks. “Watermelon, if you’d be so kind as to purify this little butterfly?”

“..... Uh…. sure……” Ladybug looked up cautiously, then to the dinosaur, than to spidey, before going back to the butterfly, sending her yo-yo up without her usual call sign. “... Bye… bye … Butterfly.” She watched as the white insect flew away.

“Great, now we just need the miraculous cure, and today’s a full on win.” Spidey smiled.

“… HOW!?” Ladybug stopped the silence and shouted. “HOW DID YOU-How…. HOW….. JUST…. JUST… HOW!?”

“… Well I punched him .” Spidey repeated. “You know, like how we deal with most baddies.

“Yeah… but… I think she’s more asking HOW you were able to do it… you know…” Chat Noir elaborated.

“I just didn’t hold back, like we always do when it comes to akumatized villains.” He said.

“But….but……..how are you THAT strong!?” Ladybug shouted.

“…” Now Spidey looked confused. “You’re not?”

“No… I mean….I’ve punched walls before and can leap tall buildings….. but what you did was like on Thing levels at least.” Chat said.

“Oh … just kind of assumed it was a Miraculous thing.” He replied. “In that case … I have the proportionate strength of a spider … apparently.” The hero answered.


“Well, statistically spider’s are capable of lifting over eight times their own body weight…so I guess it can apply to a human sized spider too…” Huh, that sounded like something Peter would’ve said.

“So you stick to walls, and can punch dinosaurs.” Chat Noir said. “And my lady can purify Akumas, and fix all damage … and I have night vision.” He looked at his hands. “Not that I’m complaining, but I feel like I’m getting the short end of the stick.” He held up his baton.

“.....Are you just…. going to…brush off the fact……HE PUNCHED A FREAKING T-REX UNCONCIOUS!?” Ladybug shouted. “THAT’S NOT NORMAL….LIKE…..MORE NOT NORMAL THAN OUR LIVES USUALLY ARE!”

“We just fought a shapeshifter, nothing is ever normal … oh, sorry about that, Mr Zookeeper.” He said to the still unconscious man. “… Miraculous cure?”

“....” Ladybug looked to spidey again before shaking her head. “Lucky Charm.” The sparkle appeared, before headphones popped into her hands. “Just … why?” She asked.

Chat looked them over. “They kinda look like that Nino kid’s headphones.” He noted. Nino … who was in a cage with Alya … and would still be there when the cure put the animals back in said cages. He probably should rush over there before it was too late. “Mind waiting a couple minutes before you use that? I should probably double check the zoo, make sure no little kids wandered into the empty cages.”

Ladybug’s eyes opened wide. “Ah….yeah, sure, sounds reasonable. I’ll give you four.” She jumped to a nearby roof.”

“Unusual time to stall a cure, but I do like your thinking Chat.” Spidey grinned. Yeah, reaaal smart … hopefully Nino wouldn’t end him later for this.


Marinette walked over to the zoo, seeing Alya and Nino walk out with a sigh of relief. She almost sent the animals right back into the cages with them in it! What was she thinking!? Thank goodness that Chat was smart enough to think about it. And to think, she was about unleash the cure…. well in her defense, she was a bit distracted….by the fact that SPIDER-MAN PUNCHED A f*ckING T-REX UNCONCIOUS.

“Tikki, WHY the heck did that happen?!” She shout whispered to her kwami. Marinette needed to get this out of the way before talking to Alya and Nino, she just couldn’t wrap her mind around it no matter how much she tried. “How the heck could someone like Spider-man have… have THAT much strength!?”

“Annasi holds the universe together, he has the most physical prowess of any kwami.” Tikki answered.

“… So in any fight if he didn’t hold back, Spider-Man just wins?” Marinette asked.

“Not all the time … seventy percent or so.” Tikki corrected. “Being the strongest doesn’t necessarily mean knowing how to use that strength. And in cases like Stoneheart, strength isn’t really the deciding factor.”

“True …” Marinette paused, a dark thought bubbling in her head. “Has a spider … ever … killed a Ladybug?”

“No…. the rouge spider always dies before something like that happens.” Tikki answered. “But it comes close. I’ve had a ladybug renounce her title in one case due to the strain the spider put on her.”

Great, now any time she tried to get Spider-Man on the right track and do good, she had to worry about broken bones. Not like that was going to give her nightmares whenever she slept. “Hey Marinette!” Turning her head, she saw Adrien run up to her……She was expecting to spend the whole day with him….if she wasn’t tricked! “Glad to see you made it out alright.

“Yeah, the animal kingdom has nothing on my clumsiness.” She chuckled.

“Aww.” Peter walked up to them. “Not worried about little old me?” He asked with a teasing grin.

“You’ve survived worse.” Adrien shot back with a light laugh.

“Oh yeah, that reminds me.” Marinette glared at Peter. “Did you and Alya set this up?”

“… Adrien was involved too!”

“Dude!” Adrien said with offense. “I thought we had a pact!”

“We didn’t make a blood pact, and the plan went belly up anyways!”

“What kind of insane blood pact did you make in New York!?”......She would put that in the back of her mind for the next few years to come.

“You’re dodging the point!” Marinette corrected. “Was today just a whole ploy for Nino to ask me out?”

They looked at each other. “… Yeah.”

“Seriously!?” Nino of all people….not that he was a bad guy, but he wasn’t her type.

“We were trying to help a bro out, we would’ve done it for any of our friends!” Adrien justify.

“And I knew you’d at least be sensible and let him down gently.” Peter continued.

“Wait, you knew Nino would get rejected?” Adrien asked. “Are you dating Marinette?”

“WHAT!?” Marinette shouted. “Where’d you even get THAT idea!?”

“He keeps saying nice things about you whenever we’re together, and he’s always helping you out.” Adrien said…..Oh crap Peter DID do that alot….DID he like her!? “Personally I just think it’s a headache. If you like someone, ask them out. It’s not that hard.”....That was something ELSE she was gonna have to sit on later.

“Hello, right here, still a part of the conversation, and still not dating anybody!” Peter announced.

“Yeah, besides I thought Alya was more his type.” Marinette added. “He’s always going on about red heads.”

“Why does everyone make that assumption?!” Peter slapped his head.

“Sorry Peter, off the market.” Alya grinned as she and Nino came out…..hand and hand. “Me and Nino got to know each other while you guys locked us in.”

“.....What?” All three of them tilted their heads.

“Yeah, we started bonding over some of the tunes I keep on my playlist, and it turns out we actually have a bit in common.” Nino smiled.”

“We’re both into superheroes, both into digital editing, both have a love for pizza, honestly surprising we didn’t get together sooner.” Alya laughed. “Funny how it all works out, huh Marinette?”

“… Good for you.” Marinette said with an eye twitch. Alya set her up and THIS happened!?

“So the ‘lock two people in the closet and hope they kiss’ thing isn’t just a made-up thing?” Peter asked.

“Apparently.” Nino brought the two boys in. “Thank you bros for having my back. This day couldn’t have possibly ended better for me!”

“But….but you liked Marinettee….and you just switched to Alya…” Adrien looked like he was having a hard time processing the situation. “You just….changed your feelings?”

“Yeak, kind of.” Nino waved off. “Love is unpredictable, it leads you to paths you never thought possible.”

“I see …” He looked like his whole worldview was shattering before his eyes.

“Well I’m gonna go find my dad, check to make sure he’s okay….” Alya turned to Peter with a glare. “Cause he was an akuma-”

“Got video right here.” Peter handed her his phone. Wait….how did he film them….?

“All is forgiven.” She snatched it. “Although next time, I WILL cuff you …”

“...It’s sentences like that where I feel justified in my assumption from before.” Nino told Peter.

“Eh, maybe in another life.” Alya smiled, before turning away. “See ya guys!”

“Yeah….see yah….” She couldn’t tell what was more frustrating….the set up or the Spidey thing. “Well, that completely blew up in our faces.” Marniette sulked.

“Pretty much.” Peter nodded.

“Nothing went to plan.” Adrian huffed.

“Uh-huh.” Marinette confirmed.

“And we’re all still single.” Peter pouted.

Yep.” Both marinette and Adrian answered at the same time.

“Wanna come by the bakery for pity sweets?”

Sure.” The two boys agreed. It was only when Marinette laid in bed that night that she realized she invited Adrien to her house, and panicked herself to sleep.

Miraculous Fantasy! The tale of three teens in over their heads - Chapter 28 - 616mcu, HAZZARD_OVERFLOW - Spider-Man (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.