Link(BOTW) vs Link(HW:AOC) (2025)




  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #1

Link vs Link. Who will win? Link obviously. Both Links have 100%ed their respective games.

Battle takes place in Hyrule Field.

Victory Condition: Game over via reducing hearts to zero. ie death

4. Battle Prerequisites
a. Motivation: Link thinks Link is an evil servant of the calamity and is fighting to protect Zelda
b. Equipment: All items, weapons, and gear from their respective game
c. Preparation: Link has unlimited time to prepare his inventory and can eat 1 long lasting food buff prior to the fight.
d. 'Bloodlust': very bloody
e. Knowledge: no prior knowledge
5. Period for combatants: Post game versions of each Link.
I've seen a composite of these two in vs battles before, but never how they fare against each other. Compositing creates one hecking strong character for vs battles. No doubt there. I just think that the shrine of resurrection created such a big gap in their capabilities that it makes sense to treat them as separate characters. But who wins?!

BOTW has ancient arrows and champion + abilities and uses bows. AOC has sheer melee power and slightly better runes. Then we get into resurrection abilities and access to healing items and this starts to get complicated.


  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #2

Link with the true power of the master sword in breath of the is acknowledged as being stronger than he was 100 years prior in age of Calamity. So even though Age of Calamity probably has better visual feats due to abundance of cutscenes, breath of the wild link is better.

Mysterious Voice: To the blade's chosen hero... In the name of the Goddess Hylia, I offer the trial of the Sword. You presently lack the power necessary to wield the true splendor of the Master Sword... You must fortify your mind, body and soul by eradicating all obstacles that appear in this realm. In this illusory realm of sacred mystery, anything can happen... All that you obtain here will be lost upon your return to the reality you know. Chosen hero of the Master Sword... Overcome the Trial of the Sword and claim the blade's true splendor! This trial shall test your courage to ensure you are worth of this splendor. It is called the Trial of the Sword. It will challenge you as you have never been challenged before. All of your weapons and armor will be sealed away. You must face your enemies without the tools you've come to rely on. Once you have tempered your soul and proven your wisdom and courage by completing the Trial of the Sword... the Master Sword shall truly be yours! ...Hm. Unless my eyes deceive me, you seem quite willing to take on this trial. A hero through and through! Now, Link... Place the Master Sword in its pedestal.

Great Deku Tree: Ah. You have finally returned. You look stronger than when last I saw you... The Master Sword you wield is now more powerful than before.

Great Deku Tree: If you desire still more power and wish to retry the blade's test... once again place the Master Sword in its pedestal.

Great Deku Tree: Ah, So you have finally returned. Your mind, body, and soul are now ready to wield the Master Sword at its full potential. You never fail to impress! Now you are truly with that sword of yours. I must say, its sacred glow suits you well. As ever, I shall watch over your journey from here... The Princess... I am certain Hyrule's princess is pleased with your accomplishment as well.

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  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #3

sullynathan said:

Link with the true power of the master sword in breath of the is acknowledged as being stronger than he was 100 years prior in age of Calamity. So even though she of Calamity probably has better visual feats due to abundance of cutscenes, breath of the wild link is better.

It sounds like Deku is just comparing Link before and after the trial as opposed to his strength at the height of the calamity.


  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #4

DistantFigure said:

It sounds like Deku is just comparing Link before and after the trial as opposed to his strength at the height of the calamity.

Link retains his power level from the Calamity Era when he's "strong" enough to lift the master sword since he's unable to do so at any earlier point in the game.

The great deku then compares Link after that point. The dialogue I posted in my previous post is from the trial of the sword DLC that takes place after the video above.


  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #5

sullynathan said:

The great deku then compares Link after that point. The dialogue I posted in my previous post is from the trial of the sword DLC that takes place after the video above.


Link pulled the Master Sword when he was like, twelve, in the BOTW timeline and I'm certain you know from experience that a twelve year old person is no where near as strong as an adult. The reason he couldn't draw the blade was because he was weakened from the Shrine of Resurrection.

The Trial of the Sword literally transports Link to a spirit dimension and he teleports back out when he's done. That's why the Great Deku Tree says, "You've finally returned." He's directly referring to Link having completed the first trial and as such, is comparing pre-Trial and post-Trial Link in terms of strength, not pre and post-Calamity Link.


  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #6

DistantFigure said:


Link pulled the Master Sword when he was like, twelve, in the BOTW timeline and I'm certain you know from experience that a twelve year old person is no where near as strong as an adult. The reason he couldn't draw the blade was because he was weakened from the Shrine of Resurrection.

The Trial of the Sword literally transports Link to a spirit dimension and he teleports back out when he's done. That's why the Great Deku Tree says, "You've finally returned." He's directly referring to Link having completed the first trial and as such, is comparing pre-Trial and post-Trial Link in terms of strength, not pre and post-Calamity Link.

Twelve? I'm guessing you got that from the wiki/art book citation but Age of Calamity very clearly says and shows that Link only got the master sword half way through the game when him and the other champions went to the korok forest and found it during the Calamity.

When contradictions like these pop up, I'm more likely to take what's shown in the latest game over a guess in an art book that came out years prior.

Yes Link couldn't draw it early on in breath of the wild because he was weaker, by the time he gets 13 hearts he's exactly as strong as he was before because he wouldn't be able to wield master sword at if he wasn't strong enough which he did 100 years ago and after 13 hearts.

As for the trials, yes the tree is referencing links return and the master sword grows in power at the end of every single trial with the third unlocking its true power. Age of Calamity's master sword would objectively be weaker than breath of the wild's.


  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #7

sullynathan said:

Twelve? I'm guessing you got that from the wiki/art book citation but Age of Calamity very clearly says and shows that Link only got the master sword half way through the game when him and the other champions went to the korok forest and found it during the Calamity.

When contradictions like these pop up, I'm more likely to take what's shown in the latest game over a guess in an art book that came out years prior.

Yes Link couldn't draw it early on in breath of the wild because he was weaker, by the time he gets 13 hearts he's exactly as strong as he was before because he wouldn't be able to wield master sword at if he wasn't strong enough which he did 100 years ago and after 13 hearts.

As for the trials, yes the tree is referencing links return and the master sword grows in power at the end of every single trial with the third unlocking its true power. Age of Calamity's master sword would objectively be weaker than breath of the wild's.

The Age of Calamity is clearly a different timeline with different occurrences in several different places, the explicit time travel not included. The original game shows Link having the Master Sword before the champions are even gathered, unlike AOC.

There's zero reason to believe that there's a substantial power gap between either version of Link. In fact, if you want to play hardball, AOC Link was shown defeating a horde of moblins, bokoblins and multiple Lynels at once with no shield, something that would be nearly impossible for BOTW Link. Then we have AOC Link shield bashing a chunk of ceiling away from Zelda which is a better strength feat than BOTW Link.


  • Jun 15, 2021
  • #8

DistantFigure said:

There's zero reason to believe that there's a substantial power gap between either version of Link. In fact, if you want to play hardball, AOC Link was shown defeating a horde of moblins, bokoblins and multiple Lynels at once with no shield, something that would be nearly impossible for BOTW Link. Then we have AOC Link shield bashing a chunk of ceiling away from Zelda which is a better strength feat than BOTW Link

You mean this scene?

If so it exists in breath of the wild too and Link isn't bothered by them. I mean it's rather clear that you see the action in place because Age of Calamity is the prequel and actually takes place during that time period so the player will experience what happened while breath of the wild shows consequences or tiny flashbacks.

DistantFigure said:

The Age of Calamity is clearly a different timeline with different occurrences in several different places, the explicit time travel not included. The original game shows Link having the Master Sword before the champions are even gathered, unlike AOC.

If this video is to be believed as the order of events of the breath of the wild flashback, the guardians were gathered before Link was chosen by the sword:

The timeline doesn't show major deviation until the champions from the future (breath of the wild) are transported to the past (age of Calamity) at the very end of the story.

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Link(BOTW) vs Link(HW:AOC) (2025)
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